Mitchell Senior Center

The Mitchell Senior Center needs substitute volunteers for all routes, but for the Bakersville area especially. Substitutes are people who are willing for them to call at the last minute when they need someone to deliver meals. They know a sub can not always drop what they are doing and come out to deliver the Meals on Wheels, and that’s okay, they do it when they can. All the Meal Routes are approximately 1 hour from pick-up at the Senior Center until the last meal is dropped off. So all in all it takes about an hour and half to do a Meal Route. They have 7 Meal Routes and serve approximately 85-95 Meals on Wheels 5 days a week. Wed-Bakersville Area Thu-Ledger Area Fri-Glen Ayre Area. Please call 688-3019 or come by the Senior Center. They are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.